Sword with sauce game online
Sword with sauce game online

sword with sauce game online

While Asuna and Kirito are having their moment they are watched by a jealous Rika and Keiko. In fact there is a meet up after school for the “main players”. But everyone at the school is from Sword Art Online and they try to remain close. They also talk about how Akihiko committed suicide but might have saved his soul in internet lands (IE talking to Kirito that day).

sword with sauce game online

The Elf Game shut down as MMO's have gotten bad names now and more are threatening to shut down. Asuna's father had to retire early due to this hot mess. Sugou tried to pled ignorance but a colleague sold him out. Then the conversation gets weird, to tell the viewers what has passed in the time since Asuna woke up. There is a bit of teasing about nicknames and being affection in public but they seem to forget about their self imposed rules. It breaks for lunch and Kirito takes off so he can see Asuna in some courtyard. They share in their first real life kiss and everyone goes Alater and Kirito is bored in class. Asuna seems to get that it is all over and the two introduce themselves to the other. Kirito tries to explain away his cuts but Asuna can't hear well anyway. Kirito makes it to Asuna's room where she is sitting up and smiling at him. With that ntinue breaking into the hospital weee. Kirito gets the knife and goes to cut Sugou's throat but in the end spares the man. Kirito gets stabbed a bit and has a Debbie Downer moment but then is like BITCH I am Kirito, savior of all and starts bashing Sugou into the nearest car. Only Sugou and his busted up eyes think that he has a chance with getting away with the killer game of doom and molesting Asuna. Why it is his old friend Sugou's coming to see Asuna too. He is like Asuna.and is slashed in the arm. Will she be alive or will she be free from the game only to die in the end? Kirito breaks into the gates of the hospital as they have the worse security ever.

sword with sauce game online

Episode Summary: Kirito is peddling to the hospital, running different scenarios in his head about Asuna waking up.

Sword with sauce game online